Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Eve Before Our Adventure

Howdy readers of the Two Kings!

Today is the day in which we rock on down the highway to Georgia. We are leaving around 10 PM (or 2200, which totally makes more sense. Silly civilian time. Actually, from now on, my time will be in military time) tonight. We are being chauffeured (not really) down to USFS 42 and getting onto the trail one mile after the start. We will drive through the night and get a 0900 (roughly) start by walking back to the start at the top of Springer Mountain. We plan on having a nine mile day tomorrow and starting our journey! My level of excitement is finally starting to rise. We have both wanted to start our hike for so long, I feel like some of the excitement has waned, but it's time!

Starting tomorrow, we have 134 days to hike 2,185.9 miles. Wish us luck! If you have the financial means to help support my cause as a part of Team Fox to raise money for Parkinson's Disease research, I would greatly appreciate it. The link is on the right hand side of the blog in the Links section.

My mantra for the hike is what one of my old First Sergeant's used to say all the time, "Hard time don't last. Hard people do!" That and Tim Belotte, my old Cross Country coach, always saying, "The hill is your friend." I have a feeling I am going to say that at least ten times on every climb.

Five million steps. Too bad I don't have a pedometer.

Again, wish us luck! We'll catch you on the flip side. And if you don't want to smell us or talk to us after we are done, well, that's just, like, your opinion man.


Two Kings 


  1. Saw this link on Stephanie's page. Hope you have a great time. We have been to Springer Mountain....what a beautiful place to start your hike. Take care!
