Friday, June 21, 2013

Caledonia State Park, PA to Duncannon, PA

Ok, loyal bloggers. Another post for your enjoyment.

Started late on Sunday the 16th after dad and I grabbed some food at an Italian place we had ate at years ago when I was a kid after did a weekend hike in PA. I walked 2.6 quick miles to Quarry Gap Shelter. It had a gnome house, potted plants, and a deck of cards. I met Phoenix, MacGyver,  and Rocket Turtle. Played spades with Mac and Phoenix. It was a nice shelter.

Mileage round up for the next five days: 16.9, 19.6, 0, 21.6, 4.

First day was from Quarry Gap to Pine Grove Furnace and we stayed at the Ironmaster's Mansion. This is where I met BMW (Bavarian Man Walking). We have the same pace and same idea of walking (six or seven days and then a zero or nero) and we get along well. He is from Bavaria and a giant of a man. I'm fortunate to have his company. Rocket Turtle also stayed. He is a section hiker pushing into New England this year. Please reference the picture of myself, a giant man, and an older gentleman for face matching to names. At Pine Grove, though I have not done half the trail, I was granted permission to attempt the Half Gallon Challenge. I failed. Miserably. Overly ambitious, but rubbish,  as Top Gear would say. I ate 2/3 of the ice cream.

We set out for a 19.6 day. We made it to Boiling Springs and stayed at the Allenberry. We were forced into this, as there is a 17 mile stretch that yoy cannot camp at. We could have camped at a campground, but it was a wheat field with no water. Tick heaven. We had such a good time, we zeroed.... oops. Terry Hall, one of my fraternity brothers, came and talked with myself and BMW. Nick, my cousin Kristina's husband, brought my two beautiful nieces, Julianna and Grace, and we had a great day feeding ducks and eating pizza. BMW and I stayed up until 0100 drinking... good times, but our 21.6 day the next day started a little rough.

It was flat for 13 miles out of Boiling Springs. We had a fast morning, but small climbs and rocks destroyed our evening.  We got into Darlington Shelter around 1930. Rocket Turtle came up right behind BMW and me. We also met some nice hikers along the way: Hot Dog and Apple Butter (smart asses whom I rather enjoyed. Both of them let me have it for every one of my mistakes.  I will have my revenge), Headbones, Cruise and Corndog, and the Thru Project (three guys raising money for conservation of the trail named Still Don't, Mr. Dallas, and Muffins). All of them were great people and I'm glad I met them. I continue to meet almost exclusively amazing people on the trail.

This morning, BMW and I had a good start and got a nice view from Hawk Rock. We went the wrong way and went down the old AT. BMW went on and I had to backtrack to keep up my white blaze purism (as convoluted as it has become.) We got into Duncannon and Headbones and Rocket Turtle we checking into the Doyle Hotel, as famous stop along the trail. BMW and I had planned on heading out after lunch and resupply and would take a zero in Port Clinton. We checked the prices, and it was amazing expensive on Port Clinton and Hamburg, so we decided to nero (Near Zero) here to save money and will walk seven days to Palmerton. We save money, keep the same timeline, AND we get to drink beer! So far, I have seen everyone previously mentioned in the blog, plus Bamboo and Morning Kid have come and gone! I had a cheeseburger to die for at the Doyle, a shower, and now we are drinking a Yuengling while doing laundry. Boom. Hell of a day.

I hope you have enjoyed the blog. Not too much going on really. Long days and short days. Starting tomorrow, I think our average will be over 16 or 17 for seven days straight. In the heat. Woot woot!

PS, Kenny and Kaitlyn's wedding was amazing! Had a blast. I even got to see Cushwa when I was home. I missed seeing Travis, as he was busy. I miss him on the trail. It's odd not having his companionship. Or him kicking me in the ribs in the morning because I want to sleep for another 30 minutes. Ok, I don't miss that. Missing my friends down south... That's what....

Enjoy my friends!



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