Monday, March 11, 2013

Starting Date!!!

Well, Travis has commanded us to start on the 28th of April, so we finally have a start date!

The date seems far away, but it is right around the corner. We were planning on a test hike this week, but that feel through. We will keep you posted on when we are leaving and our progress on the test hike.

As for finishing dates, Travis and I have discussed finishing with the Warrior Hike Program "Walk Off The War" hikers, which is sometime around the 19th of September I believe. I have a wedding in Maine on the 14th of September, so I am going to try to finish before then. At least for me, that gives me 138 days to hike the trail. Without "zero days" (days where we will be in town and don't hike any miles), that is an average of 16 miles a day, so realistically, 18 miles a day should be my average goal to finish in time.

Getting excited now that we have an actual date! If anyone wants to go on a hike with us (it is still cold, but we are up for it!) let us know!


Two Kings

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